PROJECT: WatchOver


WatchOver is a gamified desktop task manager.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: added game mode functionality.

    • What it does: allows the user to switch between game modes, which are schemes for awarding XP to the user in the context of the gamified task manager.

    • Justification: This feature allows for a more dynamic experience tailored to each user. Different users are motivated by different kinds of reward schemes. Some users may prefer to have incentives for completing tasks earlier or later.

    • Highlights: This enhancement required modifying the base model. As a result, many changes had to be made throughout the internal structure of the code. There were also significant design choices in how to implement the data structure of the game mode, in order to maximise ease of use as well as future extensibility.

  • Code contributed: [RepoSense]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Was one of two repository maintainers, tasked to help manage pull requests, issues, etc.

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Refactored

    • Documentation:

      • Managed non-User Guide or Developer Guide documentation; primarily About Us and README. (examples: #38, #44)

    • Community:

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Change game mode: mode

Used with no arguments, mode displays the current game mode. If used with arguments, it sets the game mode
and difficulty level.

Difficulty levels

When tasks are completed, they award xp based on criteria unique to each game mode. However, the variance of xp changes with the difficulty level. Lower difficulty levels award xp in a smaller range, whereas harder difficulties have a higher variance and are therefore riskier.


Easy difficulty awards a minimum of 40 and a maximum of 50 xp.


This is the default difficulty level, awarding a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 60 xp.


Hard difficulty awards a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 70 xp.


Extreme difficulty awards a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 80 xp.

Game modes

Flat mode is the most basic mode and is enabled by default, awarding the higher amount of xp for a task completed on time, and the lower amount of xp for overdue task.


The Decreasing mode is essentially an interpolation of the Flat mode. Tasks start at the higher amount of xp, and start decreasing linearly at a date close to the due date, reaching the lower value at the due time and not decreasing further. The xp awarded starts decreasing exactly 1, 3, 7 and 10 days before the due date, for easy, medium, hard and extreme modes respectively.


The Increasing mode is the opposite of the Decreasing mode: the xp awarded begins at the lower amount, and increases as the deadline nears, plateauing at the higher value when the deadline is reached. It is recommended for motivated users who want the xp awards to reflect the urgency of the task; the reasoning being that if the current amount of xp has not yet been able to make the task 'worth it' to complete, then the amount should increase. The time interval is the same as the Decreasing mode.


The Priority mode lets the user influence the xp awarded for individual tasks. Unlike the other modes, this mode does not follow the outlined minimums and maximums, instead applying a multiplier to the priority value. The multiplier is equal to one tenth of the Flat mode xp for the same difficulty, i.e. under Medium difficulty, an overdue task will obtain priority value * 3 xp, and a task completed on time will receive priority value * 6 xp.

Format: mode [Optional: GAME_MODE] [Optional: GAME_DIFFICULTY], where:
GAME_MODE can be flat (default), decreasing, increasing, priority;
GAME_DIFFICULTY can be easy, medium (default), hard, extreme.
GAME_MODE must be specified in order to also set GAME_DIFFICULTY.

+Example: mode
+Example: mode flat
+Example: mode decreasing hard
-Example: mode extreme
-Example: mode edna

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Game Manager

The Game Manager is responsible for the gamification aspects of WatchOver.

Structural Overview


The Task Manager owns a GameManager object, which handles the core logic of gamification. All xp calculations are handled exclusively by the current GameManager.

The GameManager, in turn, owns a GameMode object. GameMode is implemented as an abstract class, and specific implementations of game modes must extend the abstract GameMode. The GameMode handles the actual appraisal of tasks for xp, delegated from the GameManager. Individual variations of GameMode will contain their own logic to determine xp earned, accessible through appraiseXpChange(Task taskFrom, Task taskTo).


When a task is completed, ModelManager::updateTaskStatus(Task target, Task updatedTask) is used to change the target task into the updated task. TaskManager::appraiseXpChange(target, updatedTask) is then called (from the current versionedTaskManager instance).

At this point, the TaskManager calls GameManager::appraiseXpChange(Task taskFrom, Task taskTo), passing control to the gamification component.


The GameManager delegates the xp calculation to its owned GameMode through GameMode::appraiseXpChange(Task taskFrom, Task taskTo). The GameMode first checks if the tasks are valid. In particular, the tasks must be the same tasks (that is, they have the same fields), and the status change must be a valid change (e.g. from IN_PROGRESS to COMPLETED, and not something like COMPLETED to OVERDUE).

Following that, the GameMode performs the specific calculations unique to each GameMode, to determine the xp to be awarded.


The current GameManager is persisted in WatchOver’s storage.


The XmlSerializableTaskManager contains a XmlAdaptedGameManager, to capture the state of the GameManager, allow persisting state between sessions, and take advantage of the version control to allow undoing and redoing of changing the game mode.

Four fields are written to file:

  • the game mode,

  • the period,

  • the lower bound of xp awarded, and

  • the higher bound of xp awarded.

The game mode is serialised as the SimpleName of the GameMode subclass in the stored GameManager.

The period is the time before the due date at which the xp awarded by DecreasingMode and IncreasingMode will start to fall or rise, respectively. Other modes ignore this field.

The lower and higher bound of xp awarded are the scalings to which the game modes peg their xp awards, used by all existing game modes.

Using these fields, the GameManager state can be fully reconstructed.

If an invalid game mode is found written to storage, then the invalid data is ignored and a new default GameManager, using the default FlatMode set at medium difficulty, will be created, overwriting the invalid data.

Game Manager Design Considerations

Aspect: Location of xp Calculation Logic
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Using a separate GameManager class to calculate awarded XP.

    • Pros: It is modular and isolated from the rest of the logic, resulting in higher maintainability.

    • Cons: Less flexibility, and will apply flatly across all tasks, with no window for individual variation.

  • Alternative 2: Embedding XP calculation logic within task completion logic.

    • Pros: XP awards is primarily used when completing tasks. Placing code here would have relevant code closer together.

    • Cons: It is not modular, resulting in higher coupling and lower maintainability.

  • Alternative 3: Embedding XP calculation logic inside each individual task.

    • Pros: This would allow users to set different modes for each individual task, rather than having a one-size-fits-all policy apply to all tasks.

    • Cons: Difficult for user to edit the modes of all tasks at one shot. Additionally, the different modes attached to individual tasks may cause user confusion, especially if the user decides to change mode later but forgets to update previously set tasks. It is best to centralise all calculations to a single type of mode.

Aspect: Placement of GameMode Logic
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): Wrapping the GameMode inside a GameManager

    • Pros: Since not all gamification elements are tied to the game mode, this allows future extensibility by creating the scaffolding for future such features to be included, such as in v2.0.

    • Cons: One more layer of abstraction, and additional code and tests need to be written.

  • Alternative 2: TaskManager contains a GameMode directly, instead of a GameManager

    • Pros: There is less code to write, and the code becomes more readable.

    • Cons: The above is only true so long as GameMode is the only gamification feature in WatchOver. Once a new feature is added, significant restructuring needs to take place which will break many things.


Creating a new GameMode

Creating a new GameMode can be done by extending GameMode and implementing the required abstract methods.

Note that the following areas must also be changed to accomodate the new command:

GameMode::setGameMode must handle the new game mode. GameMode::isValidGameMode must recognise the game mode as an existing mode.

Additionally, if the new game mode requires additional storage, the XmlAdaptedGameManager storage class must be modified to accomodate the additional stored information.

Game Mode testing

  1. Displaying current mode

    1. Prerequisites: -

    2. Test case: mode

      Expected: Current game mode details will be shown.
      For example,
      You are currently using the Priority mode! Completing a task will earn you 6 times the priority value as xp, or 3 times if the task is overdue.

  2. Changing game mode

    1. Prerequisites: -

    2. Test case:
      mode decreasing easy
      mode increasing extreme

      Expected: Description shown will be different during both invocations of mode.

  3. Correct xp awarded in Flat mode

    1. Prerequisites:
      Set game mode by running mode flat

    2. Test case:
      add n/Task One t/01-01-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      edit 1 t/01-01-2018
      add n/Task Two t/31-12-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      complete 1
      complete 2

      Task One is overdue, and should award 30 xp under Flat mode, medium difficulty.
      Task Two is on time, and should award 60 xp.

  4. Correct xp awarded in Increasing mode

    1. Prerequisites:
      Set game mode by running mode increasing

    2. Test case:
      add n/Task One t/01-01-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      edit 1 t/01-01-2018
      add n/Task Two t/31-12-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      complete 1
      complete 2

      Task One is overdue, and should award 60 xp under Increasing mode, medium difficulty.
      Task Two is on time, and should award 30 xp.
      Setting Task Two to a different date within 3 days of the current date should award xp in between 30 xp and 60 xp.

  5. Correct xp awarded in Decreasing mode

    1. Prerequisites: Set game mode by running mode decreasing

    2. Test case:
      add n/Task One t/01-01-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      edit 1 t/01-01-2018
      add n/Task Two t/31-12-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      complete 1
      complete 2

      Task One is overdue, and should award 30 xp under Decreasing mode, medium difficulty.
      Task Two is on time, and should award 60 xp.
      Setting Task Two to a different date within 3 days of the current date should award xp in between 30 xp and 60 xp.

  6. Correct xp awarded in Priority mode

    1. Prerequisites: Set game mode by running mode priority

    2. Test case:
      add n/Task One t/31-12-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      add n/Task Two t/31-12-2019 p/10 d/Some description
      add n/Task Three t/01-01-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      add n/Task Four t/01-01-2019 p/10 d/Some description
      edit 3 t/01-01-2018
      edit 4 t/01-01-2018
      complete 1
      complete 2
      complete 3
      complete 4

      Task One has priority value 1 and is not overdue, and should award 6 xp under Priority mode, medium difficulty.
      Task Two has priority value 10 and is not overdue, and should award 60 xp.
      Task Three has priority value 1 and is overdue, and should award 3 xp.
      Task Four has priority value 10 and is overdue, and should award 30 xp.

  7. Correct xp awarded in various game difficulties

    1. Prerequisites: -

    2. Test case:
      mode flat easy
      add n/Task One t/31-12-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      complete 1
      mode flat extreme
      add n/Task Two t/31-12-2019 p/1 d/Some description
      complete 2

      Task One was completed in Easy mode, and should award 50 xp.
      Task Two was completed in Extreme mode, and should award 80 xp.

  8. Game mode persists between sessions

    1. Prerequisites: -

    2. Test case:
      Restart application

      Expected: Mode should remain the same before and after exiting

  9. Change of game mode can be undone

    1. Prerequisites: -

    2. Test case:
      mode priority easy
      mode flat extreme

      Undoing will return the mode to the previous Priority mode, and redoing will restore the subsequent Flat mode.